每学年, 十大外围app hosts its 娱乐 and 事件 Series, 其中包括广泛的喜剧, 音乐和戏剧表演, visiting artists and other community events sure to quench the entertainment and 文化 thirsts of the region.
大多数活动都在La-Z-Boy中心举行, 迈耶剧院, 学院最先进的, 550个座位的演艺场地, 而其他人则被托管在校园的其他设施中.
La-Z-Boy中心 & 迈耶剧院
MCCC的52,000-square-foot 看中心 provides exciting opportunities for students and the community and is flexible enough to respond to three equally important needs – 文化 arts programming, 为企业和行业定制培训, 以及无与伦比的社区活动和会议空间.
凭借其技术属性和规模大小, the 575-seat 迈耶剧院 within the 看中心 permits for a broad range of performances – from comedic to musical to theatrical and more – that require high-end lighting, 良好的生产, 布景设计与舞台布置.
La-Z-Boy中心 has strengthened MCCC as a focal point for major community events and conferences and affirmed the college as a well-defined community resource where people expect and look forward to experiencing high-quality educational and 文化 enrichment.
通过与教育机构的合作, 文化, 公民和政府实体多年来, the facility has become an educational and 文化 destination for all of Monroe County and beyond.
La-Z-Boy中心 prides itself on offering a diverse selection of arts and entertainment. Not all productions may appeal to – or be appropriate for – every person or for all ages. 因此, patrons are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the shows we offer in order to make informed decisions prior to purchasing tickets.
如果有票,可以在门口购买. 所有的销售都是最终的. 不能退款或换货. If you cannot make it to the show after you have already purchased tickets, we may be able to recommend charities or individuals that may be interested in your tickets. Always check your tickets carefully whether ordering in person, by phone, mail or the Internet. 请核对活动、时间和日期. 打电话到售票处 (如有不符之处,请尽快联系734 384-4231.
15人或以上团体, 老年人, and MCCC staff and students can receive a $2 per ticket discount off the full ticket price when tickets are purchased at the MCCC Cashier’s Office prior to the day of the event. 演出当日不提供折扣. 门票是根据可用性而定的,所以要早点计划.
We recommend arriving at the 看中心 one half hour before show time to pick up your tickets. Because a large number of patrons utilize the will call service, arriving early will help to ensure that you are seated before the show begins. Latecomers are seated at the discretion of the show’s management at appropriate pauses during the performance.
It is our policy to open the house a half hour before curtain time. Late rehearsals, sound/light checks or other problems may delay opening.
The 迈耶剧院 is open for seating approximately one half hour prior to show time. We ask that latecomers seat themselves only at appropriate intervals – as established by each performing group – so please plan to arrive on time. This means that if you arrive late, you may be asked to wait in the lobby before you are seated. For your safety, please remain seated after the performance until the house lights are brought up.
La-Z-Boy中心 designates a fixed number of seats for patrons with disabilities. 这些座位以先到先得的方式出售. 活动前一周(或者活动门票售罄), any seats reserved for people with disabilities that are not sold are released for general sale. Notification of a special need for these seats is critical at the time of ticket purchase. La-Z-Boy中心 will sell at least one companion seat per disabled customer. The sale of additional companion seats is subject to availability. It is the intent of La-Z-Boy中心 to meet or exceed the specific standard requirements for people with disabilities.
A state-of-the-art, infrared sound system is available for our patrons. 售票处备有助听器.
To avoid interruption and as a courtesy to the performers and other audience members, 录音设备的使用, cellular phones (including texting) and voice pagers is prohibited from and in the theater. Please be sure these devices are turned off prior to the start of the performance.
每个节目的摄像政策都不一样. While the 看中心 does not have a policy prohibiting cameras, many artists do. 当艺术家要求“禁止拍照”时, our staff is required to politely enforce this on behalf of the artist. 当有疑问时, 请在演出前致电活动办公室, 或者在活动当晚询问酒店经理.
吸烟和所有烟草制品, 以及电子烟和其他模拟吸烟的设备, 在所有大学场地都被禁止吗.
孩子们 should be able to sit quietly throughout the performance. Everyone attending the event, regardless of age, must have a ticket unless otherwise stated.
大多数演出现场都提供小吃和饮料. However, coffee, beer, wine and pop must be consumed in the lobby or VIP area.
和我们的一个活动一起, groups of 20 or more can take advantage of the beautiful spaces right inside the 看中心 by holding a gathering in one of our reception areas. 从一个简单的招待会到一个完整的晚餐, let us help you provide an event that your group won’t soon forget.
卫生间 are available immediately to your left as you enter the 看中心.
Plenty of free parking is available in Lot #2 to the North side of the 看中心, 以及校园南入口的7号地块. 残疾人停车场就在大楼前面.
紧急情况 should be reported immediately to the one of the 看中心 staff, 包括购票者, 招待员, 房屋经理, 技术总监, 或者保安人员.